Self Guided Tour of WWII Bunkers in the Townsville Area
One of the bunkers at The Forts on Magnetic Island
The WWII Self-guided Bunker Tour of the Townsville area will guide you to many WWII Bunkers in and around Townsville including the following:-
Cape Pallarenda Coastal Artillery and searchlight bunkers
Town Common Range Observation Bunkers
Fort Kissing Point
Ross River Anti-aircraft bunkers
Garbutt Operations & Signals Bunker
Green Street Bunker
The Forts - Magnetic Island
3 Fighter Sector Headquarters bunker
Roseneath Bunkers
Flinders Street East Signals Bunker
Jimmy's Lookout Anti-aircraft bunker
etc, etc
As you are in charge of this tour, you can decide how long to spend at each location. You can also choose to do a slight detour if you see something else that interests you. You can also choose to come back another day to finish off the tour if you wish.
To use this Self-guided WWII Tour, you will need a smart device such as a smart phone (IOS or Android) or a computer tablet or a GPS. You will need to install the free Application called Google Earth onto your smart device.
You will be sent two files. A .kmz file which you can open using Google Earth on your smart device and a .gpx file which you can import into your GPS.
If you are using a smart device you will also need internet access via your data plan on your smart device or via your own portable wireless hotspot. Each marker will also have a link to a web page giving you historical information on the site.
NOTE:- Some of these locations are located on private property and you will need to obtain permission to access the location.
The "PayPal Payment Method"
will also allow you
to securely pay using your Credit Card. It is
essential for you to have a PayPal account.
You will be asked to provide your
e-mail address so
that a link can be sent to you to download the file
"Australia @ War" WWII Research Products
© Peter Dunn 2015 |
e-mail me |
This page first produced 11 May 2015
This page last updated 15 January 2020