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St. John Fisher's School was established in 1952

It closed under the name of St. John Fishers in 1987

It became a Lay Administration school called Marian Catholic School in 1988


Junior class at St. John Fishers in 1962

Names Left to right:-

Front row: Doug Frew, John McGhie, Graham White, Mick Palmer, Noel Hartigan, Graham Bannan ("Chookie"), Michael Finey, Eamon Mythen ("Mythen the Python"), Billy Cosgrove

2nd Row: John Rush ("Jack"), John Snee ("Snee Bomb"), Colin Stout, John Adams ("Bomby"), Peter Dunn ("Dunny"), Anthony Feeney ("Chas, Chasback, or Jasper"), William Archer ("Billy"), Robert Jones ("Bob"), John Murray ("Murphy"), Russell Bourke, Peter White

3rd Row: John Turner, Thomas Hardy ("Hardrock"), John Donaldson ("Ducky"), Noel McGrath, Ron Webb, Leonard Lennon ("Lennie"), Paul Firth, Robert Wilesmith, Philip Rogl ("Froggy"), Ray Hurley, Paul Rush ("Specks"), Gene Rooney

Back Row: Rodney Costigan, Thomas O'Mara, John Bourke, Len Costello, Ian McGeachin, Philip Quilliam, Michael Hanran ("Mike, Mick, or Bert"), Thomas McArdle ("Tom"), John Smith, Roger Degiovanni, Peter Cashin

Absent: Daniel Fayers ("Danny"), Gordon Leishmann, Dennis Lambrose, Michael Downey ("Mick"), Peter Hart, Christopher Hiles, Robert Morrow, Patrick "Paddy" Peppin (were there others?)

Teacher: Brother D. D.  Beatson ("Don or Bill")


Class Reunion in Townsville on Monday 11 July 2016
Senior Class of 1966 at OLM
Junior Class of 1964 at OLM or SJF

Class Reunion - If you were in the Senior Class of 1966 at OLM or the Junior class of 1964 at OLM or SJF and you have not heard from Peter Dunn yet about our Class Reunion, you are one of the few class mates we have not been able to track down. Please send Peter Dunn an e-mail at the address below to find out the details.


Some of the class mates we are still looking for:-

Peter "Rocker" Reynolds

Robert Morrow

Russell Bourke

John Bourke

John Buckby

Leonard Costello

John Crooks

Paul Drew

Trevor "Cackles" Jennings

Laurie Nebbia


Lots of School Photos


Our Ladys Mount Senior Class of 1966


Our Ladys Mount, Stanton Hill






A 25 year Re-union was held for this class at the Pool Bar,
Sheraton Hotel, Townsville, on Saturday 15 December 1990.

Peter Allom John Alloway Peter Barry Peter Beesley Colin Brierly
Graham Brierly Peter Cashin Terry Crimston Kevin Crooks Robert Delaney
Thomas Doyle Terry Feeney Paul Firth Kevin Horan Gerald Horn
Leonard Jackson Dennis Jennings Robert Keane Kerry Kendall Kevin Kerrisk
Lawrence McGrath Kevin Nelson Jim Nugent Brian O'Connor Nev O'Sullivan
Tom Rowan Michael Sherriff Leslie Skilton Russel Smith Terry Smith
John Stanbrook Robert Tardiani Lardy Tschichark Lon Wallis Danny Williams





I was contacted by Dennis Schinkel on 20 November 2011. Dennis advised that he was in the first Junior Class at John Fisher’s.  He had recently spoken with Barry Bannister, another of the first class, and he suggested that they should try to organise a Class Re-union for the 196 Junior Class at SJF as it will be fifty years since they did Junior in 2012. 

Please contact Dennis Schinkel if you are interested in attending any future Class Reunions.


Junior Class of 1962 - The first Junior Class at SJF

Back Row: Dennis Schinkel, Ken Deuble, Tony Scott, Maurice Page, Ray Bourke, Barry Bannister, Michael O'Mara, John Ryan, Ian Kendall, Jeff Byles

2nd Row:   Peter Gilmore, John Johnson, Peter Ponti, Des O'Donnell, Neil Bannon, Michael Crimston, Michael Mulroney, Dennis Clark, Trevor Jack

Front Row: Noel Wilesmith, Allen Frazer, Roy Flynn, Bernard Penny, Terry Rush, John Buckby, Graham Just, Brian Cremin, Jim O'Neil


Please send me an e-mail if you are in the photos above

I have contact details for many of our class mates but not all


"Australia @ War" WWII Research Products

I need your help


©  Peter Dunn OAM 2020


Please e-mail me
any information or photographs

"Australia @ War"
8GB USB Memory Stick

This page first produced 26 April 1998

This page last updated 22 February 2020