hline.gif (2424 bytes)


.- A I
.-.- AA RO
.-.-. AR N
.-... AS O
.-.-- AW TE
.-.--.. AWI DE
-... B HA
-..... BI BA
-.....--. BUN PA
-.-. C NI
-.. D HO
-.... DI BO
-....--. DUN PO
. E HE
. .. EI BE
...--. EUN PE
..-.. ID TO
..-. F CHI
--. G RI
.... H NU
.--- J WO
-.- K KA
-- M YO
-. N TA
-.--- NO E
--- O RE
---.- OA SU
.--. P TSU
--.- Q NE
.-. R NA
... S RA
- T MU
-.-.. TL KI
..- U U
...- V KU
.-- W YA
-..- X MA
-..-. XE MO
-.-- Y KE
--.. Z FU
--.... ZI BU
--....--. ZUN PU
--..- ZT HI
--..-.. ZTI BI
--..-..--. ZTUN PI


NOTE:- There is no letter "L" in Japanese Kana. They could not pronounce it properly and substituted the letter "R" so that Lilydale would be Riridare and Lillimur would be Ririmur. That is why passwords being used contained more than one "L". 

The vowels are pronounced in the European style :-

A - AH  E - AY I - EE O - OH U - OO

There maybe errors in the phonetics but this is all from memory going back to 1945.  Not too bad for a 90 year old eh?

Ted Cook



Provided by Glenys Bolland

Katakana Code chart prepared by LAC Percival Clarence "Clarry" Millar (88725) RAAF


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©  Peter Dunn 2015


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This page first produced 1 June 2001

This page last updated 07 September 2023