(Transportable Aircraft Maintenance Yard)

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ARCHERFIELD 01.02.45 31.03.46 Airfield Temp Huts BEATTY ROAD BRISBANE


Commanding Officers

ARCHERFIELD Capt ROGERS B.J.L 01.02.45 31.03.46


NB Unit was named HMS Nabsford


Arthur Whitehead Milton BROWN (Fleet Air Arm FX623822 - 1918-1992) was stationed at Archerfield HMS Nabsford, 1 TAMY from 21 April 1945 to 24th February 1946, as Acting Leading Air Fitter.


Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm in Australia during WW2



I would like to thank Dennis Whiley for his assistance with the above information.

I'd like to thank Arthur Brown for his assistance with this home page. His father Arthur Brown was stationed at Archerfield. 


"Australia @ War" WWII Research Products

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©  Peter Dunn 2015


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"Australia @ War"
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This page first produced 7 January 2001

This page last updated 17 January 2020