On Friday 19 July 1940, 100 scarves were sent to Shortland Camp from the Comfort's Depot of the Newcastle and District Patriotic and War Fund. Members of the Wattle Day League attended the Depot and bundled up garments and tabbed them. They also issued 175 skeins of wool. Workers included:-
Mrs D. Fraser - Secretary
Mrs. E.J. Rutter Treasurer
and Mesdames
E. Derkenne
C. Chapman
H. Preshaw
E.J. Wiggins
B. Kilgour
In April 1940, the Teralba C.W.A. Comforts Committee sent 12 pairs of socks to the 2nd Garrison at Shortland Camp.
On the morning of 3 August 1940, coloured signal flags decorated the tiny chapel at the Shortland Camp near Nobby's for the christening of baby Warren Middleton Sanders, son of Seaman W. A. Sanders of the Newcastle Naval Force. Chaplain A. J. Gould RANR, Naval Chaplain for the port of Newcastle, officiated at a combined naval and army church parade
By mid 1941, Battalion Headquarters for 11 Australian Garrison Battalion (Internal Security) was located at the Sydney Cricket Ground and they had two companies at Beresford and Camp Shortland covering the Newcastle area and with four companies at Hornsby, Moorebank, La Perouse and the Sydney Cricket Ground covering the Sydney area.
In January 1943, various sub units of 21 Fortress Company moved to Shortland Camp.
26 Australian Field Baking Platoon (2) was reduced to a nucleus unit in June 1945 and was concentrated at Shortland Camp when the war ended in August 1945.
Shortland Camp or Camp Shortland was closed in December 1972 after 28 years as a military camp. Buildings at Shortland Camp (21 off) and Fort Scratchley (10 off) were auctioned in late May 1973.
A Naval Recreation Hut was built and equipped at Shortland Camp at a cost of 600 Pounds by members of the Cheerio Club. The keys of the hut were handed to Commander Louis Claude Rowland by the President of the Cheerio Club, Mrs. E. Clancy on Saturday 19 September 1942.
There is a file in the National Archives Australia titled:-
Headquarters 16 Australian Supply Depot Company Australian Army Supply Corp [AASC] from Waratah to Shortland Camp Newcastle (1945).
Tweed Daily (Murwillumbah,
NSW) Saturday, 7 September 1940 RECRUITING FOR 2ND GARRISON BATTALION Ex-Service men are required for enlistment in the 2nd Garrison Battalion. Applicants must be prepared to serve in any part of the State but mainly in the Newcastle area. Conditions of service being pay at the rate of 5/- per day plus 3/- per day separation allowance for wife and 1/- per day for each child under 16 years of age. Concession rail fares available to members of the Battalion at all times when on leave. Twenty four hours is granted every seven days and six days recreation leave after six months satisfactory service, Sundays and holidays excluded. In the event of six days leave not being taken at the expiration of six months the soldier is entitled to 18 days leave after twelve months. Applications should be made by letter to the O.C. 2nd Garrison Battalion, Shortland Camp, Nobby's Road, Newcastle, setting out the following particulars: Name, Address, Age, Height, Previous R.S.G.T. No., Unit, Trade, Married or Single, Pension and any other relevant information applicant desires to supply. |
Newcastle Morning
Herald and Miners' Advocate Thursday, 1 January 1942 GARRISON BATTALION MEN WANTED Men are still urgently required for the 20th Garrison Battalion. They will be wanted for full-time duty on A.I.F. rates of pay. Those eligible will be married men and widowers over 35 and under 55 with children and single men, as well as widowers without children, who are over 45 and under 55. Previous military training is not essential. Acceptance will be subject to a medical examination for physical fitness. Enlistments may be made at the recruiting hut, Wolfe-street, and Shortland Camp, or in writing to the battalion headquarters, Shortland Camp. Recruits are also required for the 8th Garrison Battalion. Application should be made at the recruiting hut, at Shortland Camp, or at the Adamstown Rifle Range. |
I'd like to thank Cameron Alexander for his assistance with this web page.
Can anyone help me with more information?
"Australia @ War" WWII Research Products
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This page first produced 23 June 2007
This page last updated 22 November 2020