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Glen Floatplane


The 2 seater Yokosuka E14Y reconnaissance floatplane was known as a "Glen". It was used for many reconnaisssance flights over Australia during World War 2. It was stowed in a cylindrical water tight hangar at the front of Japanese "I" type submarines. The "Glen" was able to be broken down into 12 components for storage in the hangar.

The "Glen", once assembled on the deck of the submarine, was launched from a 20 metre inclined steel tracked catapult on the forward deck. Being very slow it was an easy target for Allied aircraft if spotted. Their recce flights (normally around 5 hours duration) were usually carried out under the cover of darkness to avoid such an occurrence.

The fuselage and upper wings surfaces of the "Glen" were painted dark camouflage green while the underneath surfaces were painted dark grey. The sides of the fuselage featured a large red Rising Sun Japanese symbol.

The "Glen" was armed with a 7.7 mm machine gun mounted in the rear cockpit.



Jenkins, David, "Battle Surface - Japan's Submarine War against Australia 1942 - 44", Random House Australia, 1992


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This page first produced 29 October 2000

This page last updated 14 January 2020