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The 42nd Australian Infantry Battalion transferred from Yeppoon to Tiaro about 20 miles from Maryborough in March 1942. They made the trip by transport and trains. The 47th Australian Infantry Battalion arrived from Maryborough and the 15th Australian Infantry Battalion from Brisbane. Thus the newly formed 29th Infantry Brigade were assembled together for the first time.

An advanced party of 40 members of the 29th Infantry Brigade arrived in Townsville on 30 April 1942 along with an advanced party of 25 officers and 55 ordinary ranks of the Headquarters of the 5th Australian Division. They travelled by train and were initially accommodated at the Townsville Showgrounds Staging Camp.

The 29th Infantry Brigade comprised:-

- 15th Australian Infantry Battalion

- 42nd Australian Infantry Battalion

- 47th Australian Infantry Battalion

The 29th Infantry Brigade manned Observations Posts at a number of location whilst they were based in the Townsville area, including, Castle Hill O.P., Mount Louisa O.P., Mutalunga O.P., and Mount Marlow O.P.


The Defence of Townsville 


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This page first produced 30 March 2002

This page last updated 23 January 2020